Valucop Global

Job Search

female African developer

Getting Crypto Jobs in 45 Days

Land Your Dream Crypto Job and start earning 6 figures in Just 45 Days (Even With No Experience!) Imagine waking up when you want, travel the world as your office, and control your own income. That’s the power of having a Crypto job, and it’s exploding right here in Africa! But where do you even …

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Day 1 and 2 of Value First conference

Value First Conference 2023

The Value First Conference 2.0 is an exciting online event that you should consider attending and telling your friends about. It’s happening on August 15th and 16th, from 6 pm to 8 pm each day. The conference is all about helping African talents like yourself to have access to great opportunities around the world. Here …

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job readiness

Web3 Career and Job Readiness

Module 1: Introduction to Online Job and Earning Opportunities Module 2: Assessing and Leveraging Skills for Online Work Module 3: Online Platforms and Marketplaces Module 4: Building an Effective Online Presence Module 5: Crafting Winning Resumes and Cover Letters for Online Applications Module 6: Interviewing for Online Jobs Module 7: Time Management and Productivity for …

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product management

Web3 Product/Project Management For Interns

The Product/Project Manager Internship at Valucop Global is a comprehensive 12-week program designed to provide aspiring Product Managers with hands-on experience in product strategy, development, and launch. Through a combination of practical projects, cross-functional collaboration, and mentorship, interns will gain valuable insights into the world of product management and its role in driving successful product …

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canva for interns

Web3 Canva Graphics Design For Interns

This Canva Graphics Design Internship is a 12-week program designed to provide aspiring graphic designers with hands-on experience in creating visually appealing designs using the Canva platform. Participants will learn essential design principles, color theory, typography, and layout composition, and gain practical skills in designing marketing materials, social media assets, presentations, and user interfaces. Through …

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Copywriting 101: From Basics to Pro

In this course, you will learn the fundamentals of copywriting and develop the skills necessary to write effective copy that sells. You will also learn how to create a portfolio of work that showcases your talent and helps you land your first copywriting job. Course Outline: Week 1: Introduction to Copywriting What is copywriting?Understanding the …

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Community Management and Growth

In this online course, you will learn how to effectively manage and grow your community. Community management is the process of fostering and maintaining a healthy and productive community, and this course will provide you with the tools and knowledge you need to succeed in this field. This course will cover topics such as community …

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