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Copywriting 101: From Basics to Pro

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In this course, you will learn the fundamentals of copywriting and develop the skills necessary to write effective copy that sells. You will also learn how to create a portfolio of work that showcases your talent and helps you land your first copywriting job.

Course Outline:

Week 1: Introduction to Copywriting

What is copywriting?
Understanding the role of copywriting in marketing
Key skills and traits of successful copywriters
Types of copywriting (e.g., advertising, content marketing, email marketing etc)

Audience Research
How to define and understand your target audience
Conducting research and gathering data
Using personas and customer avatars to guide your writing

Week 2: Writing for the Web

Best practices for writing web copy
SEO basics and how to optimize your content for search engines
Crafting headlines and subheadings that grab attention

Persuasive Writing Techniques
Understanding the psychology of persuasion
Techniques for creating compelling headlines and copy
Using emotional appeals and social proof to persuade
27 style guide for writing a copy that persuades and engages

Week 3: Writing Effective Calls to Action

What is a call to action (CTA) and why is it important?
Best practices for crafting effective CTAs
Examples of effective CTAs in different contexts (e.g., landing pages, emails)

Writing for Advertising
Understanding the different types of advertising (e.g., print, radio, TV, online)
Writing effective ad copy that sells
Best practices for writing copy for different advertising mediums

Week 4: Writing for Email Marketing

The role of email marketing in today’s digital landscape
How to write effective emails that engage and convert
Best practices for crafting subject lines, body copy, and CTAs in emails

Content Marketing Basics
Understanding content marketing and its benefits
Creating a content strategy
Writing effective content (e.g., blog posts, articles, whitepapers)

Week 5: Advanced Persuasive Writing Techniques

Advanced techniques for persuasion (e.g., scarcity, urgency)
Using storytelling to engage and persuade
Writing long-form sales letters and landing pages

Editing and Proofreading
The importance of editing and proofreading
Tips and tools for editing and proofreading your copy
Best practices for ensuring accuracy, simplicity and clarity

Week 6: Creating a Portfolio

Why a portfolio is important for copywriters
Examples of effective copywriting portfolios
How to create a portfolio that showcases your talent and skills

Finding Work as a Copywriter
Where to find copywriting jobs
How to pitch your services to potential clients
Tips for succeeding as a freelance copywriter

Bonus: Artificial intelligence and copywriting

Course Materials:

Free Course guide (recommended: “The Ultimate Writer’s Playbook ” by me)

Articles, case studies, templates and examples of effective copywriting

Writing exercises and assignments

Access to online tools and resources for copywriting and portfolio creation

Weekly assignments and quizzes

Course Expectations
Method of learning: Hybrid (live coaching sessions plus self-paced sessions)

Self-paced will hold on the website

Live coaching at the end of each week

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