Valucop Global

Web3 Digital Marketing for Interns

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Not Enrolled
Get Started

Week 1: Introduction to Web3 Digital Marketing

  • Overview of Web2 and Web3 digital marketing channels
  • Understanding Web2 and Web3 digital marketing strategy and planning
  • KPI: Interns can identify at least two different digital marketing channels and explain their role in a digital marketing strategy.


  • Research and present a case study of a company that successfully used digital marketing to achieve a specific goal.

Week 2: Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

  • Understanding how search engines work
  • Best practices for on-page and off-page SEO KPI: Interns can optimize a piece of content for SEO, including keyword research, on-page optimization, and link building.


  • Choose a website and conduct an SEO audit, including recommendations for improvement.

Week 3: Pay-Per-Click (PPC) Advertising

  • Overview of PPC advertising
  • Setting up and managing a Google Ads campaign KPI: Interns can create and manage a Google Ads campaign with a specific budget and target audience.


  • Analyze the performance of a Google Ads campaign and provide recommendations for improvement.

Week 4: Email Marketing

  • Best practices for email marketing campaigns
  • Designing and implementing an effective email marketing strategy KPI: Interns can create and execute an email marketing campaign, including email design, segmentation, and automation.


  • Analyze the results of an email marketing campaign and provide recommendations for improvement.

Week 5: Content Marketing

  • Understanding the role of content marketing in digital marketing
  • Best practices for content creation and promotion KPI: Interns can create and promote a piece of content (e.g. blog post, video, infographic) and track its performance using analytics.


  • Develop a content marketing strategy for a specific audience and business objective.

Week 6: Social Media Marketing

  • Overview of social media platforms and their use in marketing
  • Developing a social media strategy and content plan KPI: Interns can create and manage a social media campaign, including content creation, scheduling, and community management.


  • Analyze the performance of a social media campaign and provide recommendations for improvement.

Week 7: Mobile Marketing

  • Understanding the importance of mobile in digital marketing
  • Best practices for mobile advertising and optimization KPI: Interns can create and optimize a mobile advertising campaign (e.g. Google Ads, Facebook Ads) for a specific target audience.


  • Research and present a case study of a company that successfully used mobile marketing to achieve a specific goal.

Week 8: Analytics and Reporting

  • Overview of digital marketing analytics tools and metrics
  • Creating and presenting reports on digital marketing campaigns KPI: Interns can create and present a digital marketing report that includes performance metrics, insights, and recommendations.


  • Analyze the results of a digital marketing campaign using analytics tools and create a report with recommendations for improvement.

Week 9: E-commerce and Conversion Optimization

  • Understanding the principles of e-commerce and conversion optimization
  • Best practices for website optimization and A/B testing KPI: Interns can design and execute a conversion optimization experiment on a website or landing page.


  • Analyze the performance of a website or landing page and provide recommendations for improvement.

Week 10: Emerging Trends and Career Opportunities in Digital Marketing

  • Overview of emerging digital marketing trends (e.g. voice search, artificial intelligence)
  • Understanding career opportunities in digital marketing KPI: Interns can identify and describe at least three emerging trends in digital marketing and explain how they might impact businesses.


  • Create a personal digital marketing career plan, including goals, skills, and job opportunities