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Web3 Growth Marketing for Interns

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Not Enrolled
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Week 1: Introduction to Web3 and Growth Hacking

  • What is Web3?
  • How is Web3 different from Web2?
  • What is Growth Hacking and why is it important?
  • Key metrics for measuring growth in Web3.

KPI: Interns should be able to demonstrate their understanding of Web3 and the importance of Growth Hacking.

Assignment: Have interns research and present a case study of a successful growth hacking campaign in the Web3 space.

Week 2: User Acquisition and Retention Strategies

  • Understanding the user journey in Web3
  • Identifying target audiences
  • Acquisition channels for Web3
  • Retention strategies for Web3

KPI: Interns should be able to identify key acquisition and retention strategies for Web3 businesses.

Assignment: Have interns develop a user acquisition or retention strategy for a hypothetical Web3 startup.

Week 3: Building and Testing MVPs

  • What is an MVP?
  • How to build and test an MVP
  • Using A/B testing to optimize MVPs

KPI: Interns should be able to build and test MVPs and use A/B testing to optimize them.

Assignment: Have interns build an MVP for a hypothetical Web3 startup and present their results.

Week 4: Data Analytics for Growth Hacking

  • Key data analytics tools for Web3 businesses
  • Understanding user behavior through data analysis
  • Building and testing hypotheses based on data

KPI: Interns should be able to analyze data to understand user behavior and build hypotheses based on that data.

Assignment: Have interns analyze data from a Web3 business and use it to create a hypothesis for a growth hacking campaign.

Week 5: SEO and Content Marketing for Web3

  • What is SEO and how does it work in Web3?
  • Developing a content marketing strategy for Web3
  • Creating and promoting content for Web3 businesses

KPI: Interns should be able to develop a content marketing strategy and create and promote content for Web3 businesses.

Assignment: Have interns develop a content marketing strategy and create content for a Web3 business.

Week 6: Social Media Marketing for Web3

  • What is social media marketing and how does it work in Web3?
  • Identifying social media channels for Web3 businesses
  • Creating and promoting social media content for Web3 businesses

KPI: Interns should be able to create and promote social media content for Web3 businesses.

Assignment: Have interns create a social media marketing campaign for a Web3 business.

Week 7: Influencer Marketing for Web3

  • What is influencer marketing and how does it work in Web3?
  • Identifying key influencers in Web3
  • Building relationships with influencers
  • Measuring the impact of influencer marketing

KPI: Interns should be able to identify key influencers in Web3, build relationships with them, and measure the impact of influencer marketing.

Assignment: Have interns create an influencer marketing campaign for a Web3 business.

Week 8: Community Building for Web3

  • What is community building and how does it work in Web3?
  • Identifying and engaging with key communities in Web3
  • Building and nurturing communities

KPI: Interns should be able to identify and engage with key communities in Web3 and build and nurture communities.

Assignment: Have interns create a community building strategy for a Web3 business.

Week 9: Growth Hacking Case Studies

  • Reviewing case studies of successful growth hacking campaigns in Web3
  • Identifying key learnings and best practices
  • Applying these learnings to future growth

Week 9: Growth Hacking Case Studies (continued)

  • Reviewing additional case studies of successful growth hacking campaigns in Web3
  • Analyzing the strategies and tactics used in each case study
  • Identifying common themes and patterns across successful growth hacking campaigns

KPI: Interns should be able to analyze successful growth hacking campaigns in Web3 and identify common themes and patterns.

Assignment: Have interns analyze a growth hacking campaign from a Web3 business and present their findings.

Week 10: Final Project

  • Integrating key concepts and strategies learned throughout the course
  • Developing a growth hacking strategy for a Web3 business
  • Presenting the growth hacking strategy to the class and receiving feedback

KPI: Interns should be able to integrate key concepts and strategies learned throughout the course and develop a growth hacking strategy for a Web3 business.

Assignment: Have interns develop a growth hacking strategy for a Web3 business and present it to the class for feedback.