Valucop Global

Web3 Product/Project Management For Interns

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The Product/Project Manager Internship at Valucop Global is a comprehensive 12-week program designed to provide aspiring Product Managers with hands-on experience in product strategy, development, and launch. Through a combination of practical projects, cross-functional collaboration, and mentorship, interns will gain valuable insights into the world of product management and its role in driving successful product outcomes.

Course Objectives:

  1. Understand Product Management: Interns will gain a clear understanding of the Product Manager’s role, responsibilities, and importance in the overall product development process.
  2. Market Research and Analysis: Interns will learn to conduct effective market research, identify industry trends, and analyze competitors to inform product strategies and decision-making.
  3. Customer-Centric Approach: Interns will learn to gather and analyze customer feedback, enabling them to create user personas and make data-driven product decisions.
  4. Feature Prioritization and Roadmap Development: Interns will participate in cross-functional discussions to prioritize product features and assist in the development of a comprehensive product roadmap aligned with the company’s goals.
  5. Project Execution and Collaboration: Interns will work closely with engineering, design, marketing, and other teams to facilitate product development, understanding the importance of effective collaboration in achieving project success.
  6. Product Launch and Post-Launch Analysis: Interns will assist in coordinating product launches, including marketing efforts and customer support readiness. They will also learn to analyze product performance data and customer feedback to identify areas for continuous improvement.
  7. Communication and Presentation Skills: Throughout the internship, interns will enhance their communication and presentation abilities, as they will be required to share their findings, progress, and recommendations with stakeholders.
  8. Internship Summary: Towards the end of the internship, interns will present a comprehensive summary of their learnings, contributions, and growth during the 12-week period.

Overall, the internship aims to equip interns with the foundational skills and knowledge required to thrive in the dynamic and challenging field of Product Management. By the end of the program, interns will have developed the confidence to contribute effectively to product development efforts and the potential to become future leaders in the industry.


Week 1:

  • Orientation and company introduction.
  • Overview of the Product Manager role and responsibilities.
  • Introduction to the product portfolio and key projects.

KPI: Completion of onboarding checklist and a quiz to test understanding of the role and product landscape.

Week 2:

  • Shadowing experienced Product Managers in meetings and daily tasks.
  • Familiarization with internal tools and processes for product management.

KPI: Feedback from mentors on the intern’s active participation during shadowing sessions.

Week 3:

  • Introduction to market research methodologies and tools.
  • Assigned a research project to identify industry trends and customer needs.

KPI: Submission of a market research proposal with research objectives and methods.

Week 4:

  • Completion of the market research project.
  • Presentation of findings to the Product team.

KPI: Quality of the research report and the intern’s ability to articulate key insights.

Week 5:

  • Introduction to competitor analysis and benchmarking.
  • Assigned a project to analyze competitors’ products and strategies.

KPI: Submission of a competitor analysis report with insights and recommendations.

Week 6:

  • Participation in customer feedback collection through surveys and interviews.
  • Assisting in user testing sessions.

KPI: Involvement in at least two customer feedback sessions and documented insights.

Week 7:

  • Joining cross-functional meetings to observe feature prioritization discussions.
  • Assisting in documenting feature priorities.

KPI: Contribution to feature prioritization discussions and documented inputs.

Week 8:

  • Collaboration with the team to draft a product roadmap.
  • Introduction to project management tools and methodologies.

KPI: Active participation in roadmap discussions and understanding of project management concepts.

Week 9:

  • Assisting in project execution, attending sprint planning meetings.
  • Collaborating with design and engineering teams for product development.

KPI: Feedback from team members on the intern’s collaboration and contributions.

Week 10:

  • Assisting in coordinating marketing activities for upcoming product launches.
  • Learning to track project progress and reporting to stakeholders.

KPI: Positive feedback on marketing coordination and project tracking abilities.

Week 11:

  • Analyzing product performance data and customer feedback post-launch.
  • Assisting in identifying improvement opportunities.

KPI: Identification of at least one actionable improvement opportunity.

Week 12:

  • Finalizing the internship summary presentation.
  • Presenting key learnings and contributions during the 12-week period.

KPI: Evaluation of the intern’s internship summary presentation and overall performance.

One month Agile Product/project management training:

Week 1: Introduction to Agile Principles and Methodologies

Objective: The intern will gain a foundational understanding of Agile principles and methodologies, and their application in product/project management.


  1. Attend workshops and training sessions on Agile fundamentals.
  2. Study Agile frameworks such as Scrum and Kanban.
  3. Shadow an experienced Agile product/project manager in meetings and stand-ups.
  4. Participate in team discussions and retrospectives.

Measurable KPI:

  • Knowledge assessment: The intern’s performance in a written or verbal test on Agile concepts and methodologies.

Week 2: Scrum Master Role and Agile Project Planning

Objective: The intern will learn about the Scrum Master’s role and responsibilities, and understand how to plan Agile projects effectively.


  1. Dive deeper into Scrum ceremonies and practices.
  2. Understand the role of the Scrum Master in facilitating meetings.
  3. Assist in creating user stories, prioritizing the product backlog, and estimating tasks.
  4. Collaborate with the team to plan a sprint.

Measurable KPI:

  • Sprint planning success rate: Measure the accuracy of the intern’s sprint planning by comparing planned versus completed tasks.

Week 3: Agile Project Execution and Team Management

Objective: The intern will gain hands-on experience in Agile project execution and learn how to manage the team effectively.


  1. Act as a Scrum Master for a small project or a sprint.
  2. Monitor and update the progress of tasks on the Agile board.
  3. Learn techniques to remove impediments and foster team collaboration.
  4. Conduct daily stand-ups and sprint reviews.

Measurable KPI:

  • Team productivity improvement: Measure the team’s performance and productivity during the intern’s Scrum Master role compared to previous sprints.

Week 4: Agile Project Improvement and Continuous Learning

Objective: The intern will focus on continuous improvement and enhancing Agile practices in the organization.


  1. Analyze retrospective feedback and identify areas for improvement.
  2. Collaborate with team members to implement process enhancements.
  3. Participate in knowledge-sharing sessions to share lessons learned.
  4. Work on a final project or presentation showcasing their understanding of Agile methodologies.

Measurable KPI:

  • Implementation of process improvements: Track the intern’s efforts in implementing improvements based on retrospective feedback.

Overall Measurable KPI for the Internship Program:

  • Customer satisfaction survey: Conduct a survey to gather feedback from stakeholders on the intern’s performance and contributions to projects.

By designing this 4-week learning track with measurable KPIs, the intern will gain valuable experience in Agile product/project management, and Valucop Global will benefit from improved Agile practices, enhanced team productivity, and better customer satisfaction.


An Agile product/project manager plays a critical role in guiding and supporting the development of products or projects using Agile methodologies. They are responsible for ensuring that the team adheres to Agile principles and practices while delivering high-quality results that meet customer needs. The roles and expectations of an Agile product/project manager typically include:

  1. Product Vision and Strategy: The manager collaborates with stakeholders to define and communicate the product vision, ensuring that it aligns with the overall business strategy. They create a roadmap that outlines the product’s development direction and major milestones.
  2. Backlog Management: They maintain and prioritize the product backlog, a dynamic list of tasks, features, and improvements, in close collaboration with the team and stakeholders. The backlog is continually adjusted based on changing requirements and customer feedback.
  3. User Stories Definition: The manager works with the team to break down high-level requirements into actionable user stories. Each story describes a specific functionality or feature from an end-user perspective, allowing for incremental development and delivery.
  4. Sprint Planning: They facilitate sprint planning meetings, where the team decides which user stories to include in the upcoming sprint. The manager ensures that the team commits to a realistic amount of work for the sprint based on their capacity and velocity.
  5. Facilitation and Communication: The manager serves as a facilitator during various Agile ceremonies, such as daily stand-ups, sprint reviews, and retrospectives. They encourage open communication, identify and remove impediments, and foster a collaborative and transparent environment.
  6. Team Empowerment: An Agile manager empowers the team to self-organize and make decisions collectively. They trust the team’s expertise and provide guidance and support when needed.
  7. Continuous Improvement: The manager promotes a culture of continuous improvement within the team. They help identify and implement process improvements and share lessons learned from previous sprints or projects.
  8. Customer Collaboration: They work closely with customers and stakeholders, gathering feedback and understanding their needs. This customer-centric approach ensures that the team delivers value and meets the customers’ expectations.
  9. Performance Tracking and Reporting: The manager tracks the team’s progress throughout each sprint and project, using metrics like burn-down charts and velocity to gauge performance. They provide regular status updates to stakeholders.
  10. Adaptability: An Agile manager is flexible and adaptable, able to embrace change and respond to evolving requirements or market conditions.
  11. Conflict Resolution: They mediate conflicts within the team or between team members and stakeholders, ensuring that the focus remains on achieving project objectives.
  12. Risk Management: The manager identifies and manages project risks, taking proactive measures to mitigate potential issues that could impact project success.
  13. Knowledge Sharing: They encourage knowledge sharing within the team, promoting a culture of learning and cross-functional expertise.

In summary, an Agile product/project manager facilitates the Agile development process, supports the team, and ensures that the product or project progresses smoothly, remains aligned with the vision, and delivers value to customers. They serve as a servant-leader, promoting collaboration, communication, and continuous improvement throughout the development lifecycle.