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Web3 Product Marketing Management For Interns

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Week 1: Introduction to Web3 and Product Marketing Management

  • What is Web3 and how it differs from Web2?
  • Introduction to Product Marketing Management in Web3
  • Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) for Product Marketing in Web3

Week 2: Understanding User Personas and User Journeys in Web3

  • Importance of User Personas and User Journeys in Web3
  • How to create User Personas and User Journeys for a Web3 product
  • Assignment: Create User Personas and User Journeys for a Web3 product

Week 3: Competitive Analysis in Web3

  • Importance of Competitive Analysis in Web3
  • How to conduct a Competitive Analysis for a Web3 product
  • Assignment: Conduct a Competitive Analysis for a Web3 product

Week 4: Value Proposition and Messaging in Web3

  • Importance of Value Proposition and Messaging in Web3
  • How to create a Value Proposition and Messaging for a Web3 product
  • Assignment: Create a Value Proposition and Messaging for a Web3 product

Week 5: Branding and Positioning in Web3

  • Importance of Branding and Positioning in Web3
  • How to create a Branding and Positioning strategy for a Web3 product
  • Assignment: Create a Branding and Positioning strategy for a Web3 product

Week 6: Marketing Channels and Tactics in Web3

  • Different Marketing Channels and Tactics for Web3 products
  • How to choose the right Marketing Channels and Tactics for a Web3 product
  • Assignment: Choose the right Marketing Channels and Tactics for a Web3 product

Week 7: Launch Planning and Execution in Web3

  • Importance of Launch Planning and Execution in Web3
  • How to plan and execute a Launch for a Web3 product
  • Assignment: Plan and execute a Launch for a Web3 product

Week 8: User Acquisition and Retention in Web3

  • Importance of User Acquisition and Retention in Web3
  • How to acquire and retain users for a Web3 product
  • Assignment: Acquire and retain users for a Web3 product

Week 9: Metrics and Analytics in Web3

  • Importance of Metrics and Analytics in Web3
  • How to measure and analyze the performance of a Web3 product
  • Assignment: Measure and analyze the performance of a Web3 product

Week 10: Future of Web3 and Product Marketing Management

  • Trends and predictions for the Future of Web3 and Product Marketing Management
  • Final Assignment: Create a Product Marketing Strategy for a Web3 product of the future

As for the KPIs,

  • Week 1: Understanding of Web3 and Product Marketing Management
  • Week 2: Creation of User Personas and User Journeys for a Web3 product
  • Week 3: Completion of Competitive Analysis for a Web3 product
  • Week 4: Creation of Value Proposition and Messaging for a Web3 product
  • Week 5: Creation of Branding and Positioning strategy for a Web3 product
  • Week 6: Selection of Marketing Channels and Tactics for a Web3 product
  • Week 7: Completion of Launch Planning and Execution for a Web3 product
  • Week 8: Acquisition and Retention of users for a Web3 product
  • Week 9: Measurement and Analysis of performance of a Web3 product
  • Week 10: Creation of a Product Marketing Strategy for a Web3 product of the future