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Web3 Research For Interns

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Not Enrolled
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Week 1: Introduction to Web3 and Decentralized Systems

  • Understand the concept of Web3 and decentralized systems
  • Explain the benefits and drawbacks of decentralized systems KPI: Quiz on the basic concepts of Web3 and decentralized systems

Week 2: Blockchain and Cryptography

  • Explain the basics of blockchain technology and how it works
  • Understand the role of cryptography in blockchain technology KPI: Written assignment on the use cases of blockchain technology

Week 3: Smart Contracts

  • Explain the concept of smart contracts and their use in decentralized systems
  • Understand the programming languages used for creating smart contracts KPI: Programming assignment to create a simple smart contract

Week 4: Decentralized Finance (DeFi)

  • Explain the concept of DeFi and its benefits
  • Understand the different types of DeFi applications and protocols KPI: Research paper on the evolution of DeFi and its impact on traditional finance

Week 5: Decentralized Applications (dApps)

  • Understand the concept of dApps and their advantages
  • Explain the different types of dApps and their use cases KPI: Presentation on a selected dApp and its architecture

Week 6: IPFS and Distributed Storage

  • Understand the concept of IPFS (InterPlanetary File System) and its role in Web3
  • Explain the benefits of distributed storage systems KPI: Written assignment on the use cases of IPFS and distributed storage systems

Week 7: Web3 Protocols and Standards

  • Understand the different Web3 protocols and standards
  • Explain the interoperability of Web3 protocols KPI: Presentation on a selected Web3 protocol and its role in decentralized systems

Week 8: Web3 Infrastructure and Tools

  • Understand the infrastructure and tools used in Web3 development
  • Explain the differences between centralized and decentralized infrastructure KPI: Programming assignment to build a simple Web3 application

Week 9: Web3 Challenges and Opportunities

  • Understand the current challenges and opportunities in Web3 development
  • Explain the potential impact of Web3 on the future of technology KPI: Research paper on the future of Web3 and its potential impact on society

Week 10: Final Project

  • Apply the knowledge and skills gained in the previous weeks to create a Web3 project KPI: Final project presentation and code review

Overall KPIs:

  • Completion of weekly assignments and quizzes
  • Active participation in class discussions and activities
  • Final project presentation and code review.