Valucop Global


female African developer

Getting Crypto Jobs in 45 Days

Land Your Dream Crypto Job and start earning 6 figures in Just 45 Days (Even With No Experience!) Imagine waking up when you want, travel the world as your office, and control your own income. That’s the power of having a Crypto job, and it’s exploding right here in Africa! But where do you even …

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Day 1 and 2 of Value First conference

Value First Conference 2023

The Value First Conference 2.0 is an exciting online event that you should consider attending and telling your friends about. It’s happening on August 15th and 16th, from 6 pm to 8 pm each day. The conference is all about helping African talents like yourself to have access to great opportunities around the world. Here …

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Value First Money next

Value First Money Next Conference 2022

It’s time to leverage, connect and monetize. This conference will set you on the path to recognizing and monetizing online opportunities. Value first, Money Next Virtual Conference featured seasoned professionals in the creative industry who will show us how to recognize, leverage and monetize online opportunities. 7 guest speakers and 9 different topics cutting across …

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Web3 Content Writing Bootcamp

A content writing role involves creating written material for various platforms, such as websites, blogs, social media, marketing materials, newsletters, and more. Content writers play a crucial role in helping businesses and organizations engage with their target audience, build brand awareness, and drive traffic to their websites. Here are the typical roles and expectations of …

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Web3 Content Marketing Bootcamp

Job Expectations: Content Marketing As a Content Marketing professional, your role will involve developing and implementing strategic content initiatives to promote a brand, engage audiences, and drive business objectives. You will work closely with cross-functional teams, including marketing, sales, and creative, to create compelling content that aligns with the company’s overall marketing strategy. Here are …

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job readiness

Web3 Career and Job Readiness

Module 1: Introduction to Online Job and Earning Opportunities Module 2: Assessing and Leveraging Skills for Online Work Module 3: Online Platforms and Marketplaces Module 4: Building an Effective Online Presence Module 5: Crafting Winning Resumes and Cover Letters for Online Applications Module 6: Interviewing for Online Jobs Module 7: Time Management and Productivity for …

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Web3 Customer Success/Service Bootcamp

Customer Success/Service: A Customer Success/Service role entails providing exceptional customer support, understanding customer needs and challenges, addressing inquiries and issues promptly and professionally, and ensuring customer satisfaction and retention through proactive engagement and effective problem-solving. Week 1: Onboarding and Introduction to Valucop Global Week 2: Product Training Week 3: Customer Service Fundamentals Week 4: Handling Challenging …

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Web3 Sales Executive For Interns

The role of a Sales Representative involves prospecting and generating leads, building relationships with potential customers, conducting product presentations, negotiating contracts, and achieving sales targets through effective communication and sales techniques. Week 1: Introduction and Onboarding Week 2: Product Knowledge Week 3: Market Research Week 4: Lead Generation Techniques Week 5: Prospecting Skills Week 6: …

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product management

Web3 Product/Project Management For Interns

The Product/Project Manager Internship at Valucop Global is a comprehensive 12-week program designed to provide aspiring Product Managers with hands-on experience in product strategy, development, and launch. Through a combination of practical projects, cross-functional collaboration, and mentorship, interns will gain valuable insights into the world of product management and its role in driving successful product …

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canva for interns

Web3 Canva Graphics Design For Interns

This Canva Graphics Design Internship is a 12-week program designed to provide aspiring graphic designers with hands-on experience in creating visually appealing designs using the Canva platform. Participants will learn essential design principles, color theory, typography, and layout composition, and gain practical skills in designing marketing materials, social media assets, presentations, and user interfaces. Through …

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Chatgpt for jobs

ChatGPT For Job Opportunities

Learn how to write your CV/Resume, Optimize your LinkedIn account, Generate content ideas for Linkedin and Prepare for Interviews with CHATGPT AI Welcome to CHATGPT for Job Opportunities, a transformative course designed to equip you with the skills and knowledge necessary to excel in today’s competitive job market. In this course, we will leverage the …

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Copywriting 101: From Basics to Pro

In this course, you will learn the fundamentals of copywriting and develop the skills necessary to write effective copy that sells. You will also learn how to create a portfolio of work that showcases your talent and helps you land your first copywriting job. Course Outline: Week 1: Introduction to Copywriting What is copywriting?Understanding the …

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Airdrop Guide For Beginners

I would like to introduce the course “Crypto Airdrop Guide For Beginners” to help individuals understand the concept of airdrops in the cryptocurrency world. In this course, we will cover the basics of what an airdrop is, how it works, and how to participate in them. We will explore different types of airdrops, such as …

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Web3 Research For Interns

Week 1: Introduction to Web3 and Decentralized Systems Week 2: Blockchain and Cryptography Week 3: Smart Contracts Week 4: Decentralized Finance (DeFi) Week 5: Decentralized Applications (dApps) Week 6: IPFS and Distributed Storage Week 7: Web3 Protocols and Standards Week 8: Web3 Infrastructure and Tools Week 9: Web3 Challenges and Opportunities Week 10: Final Project …

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Web3 Analysis For Intern

Week 1: Introduction to Web3 and Decentralized Finance (DeFi) Week 2: Data Analysis and Visualization Week 3: Network Architecture and Node Operations Week 4: Smart Contract Auditing Week 5: Tokenomics and Economic Models Week 6: Decentralized Identity and Reputation Systems Week 7: Security and Governance ​ Week 8: Web3 Analytics and Metrics Week 9: Token …

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Web3 Growth Marketing for Interns

Week 1: Introduction to Web3 and Growth Hacking KPI: Interns should be able to demonstrate their understanding of Web3 and the importance of Growth Hacking. Assignment: Have interns research and present a case study of a successful growth hacking campaign in the Web3 space. Week 2: User Acquisition and Retention Strategies KPI: Interns should be …

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