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International Women’s Day: Breaking the barriers for Women in Blockchain and Web3 Careers

International Women’s Day provides an opportunity to reflect on the progress made towards gender equality and to consider the work that still needs to be done. One industry that has struggled with gender diversity is the tech industry, but emerging technologies like blockchain and web3 provide a chance to change that. In this article, we’ll discuss the importance of having more women in blockchain and web3 careers, the advantages that women bring to the industry, and strategies for overcoming obstacles and breaking the glass ceiling.

The State of the Gender Gap in Tech

  • According to recent statistics, women make up only 24% of the STEM workforce. In the tech industry specifically, women represent only 28% of the workforce, with even fewer in leadership positions. The gender gap in tech is a problem for a number of reasons, including the fact that it limits diversity of thought and innovation. It also means that women are missing out on high-paying and impactful careers.
  • On average, around 30% of the world’s researchers are women. Less than a third of female students choose to study higher education courses in subjects like math and engineering. Women in STEM fields publish less and often receive less pay. In 2020, only 47% of women of working age participated in the labour market, compared to 74% of men – a gender gap that has remained relatively constant since 1995. In the tech industry specifically, women represent only 28% of the workforce, with even fewer in leadership positions. The gender gap in tech is a problem for a number of reasons, including the fact that it limits diversity of thought and innovation. It also means that women are missing out on high-paying and impactful careers.
  • Women are significantly underrepresented in STEM majors — for instance, only around 21% of engineering majors are women and only around 19% of computer and information science majors are women. By contrast, women make up over half (53%) of college-educated workers but only about a quarter (24%) of college-educated STEM workers. In the tech industry specifically, women represent only 28% of the workforce, with even fewer in leadership positions. The gender gap in tech is a problem for a number of reasons, including the fact that it limits diversity of thought and innovation. It also means that women are missing out on high-paying and impactful careers.

Women in Blockchain and Web3

Blockchain and web3 are emerging technologies that have the potential to transform a range of industries, from finance to healthcare to social media. It’s important that women have a seat at the table as these technologies develop, and thankfully there are already many women making significant contributions to the field. Some notable examples include Amber Baldet, co-founder and CEO of Clovyr; Jinglan Wang, founder and CEO of Optimism; and Neha Narula, director of the Digital Currency Initiative at MIT. Having more women in the blockchain and web3 industry benefits everyone, as it brings diverse perspectives and fosters innovation.

Advantages of Women in Blockchain and Web3

There are a number of advantages to having more women in the blockchain and web3 industry. One key advantage is that women tend to be more collaborative and communicative, which can help to drive innovation and problem-solving. Additionally, women often bring unique perspectives and ideas to the table, which can help to break through stale thinking and create new solutions. Finally, having more women in leadership positions can help to create a more inclusive and supportive workplace culture, which benefits everyone.

Overcoming Challenges and Breaking the Glass Ceiling

While the gender gap in tech is a problem, it’s not an insurmountable one. There are a number of strategies and solutions that can help women to break into and advance in the tech industry. One key strategy is mentorship, which can provide women with guidance, support, and networking opportunities. Another strategy is community-building, which can create a sense of belonging and support. Finally, it’s important for women to advocate for themselves and their ideas, and to seek out opportunities for growth and advancement.


The blockchain and web3 industries offer exciting opportunities for women to break into and succeed in tech careers. By promoting gender diversity and inclusion, we can create a more innovative and impactful industry. Women have unique perspectives and strengths that can help to drive the development of these emerging technologies, and it’s up to all of us to support them in doing so. This International Women’s Day, let’s commit to breaking the glass ceiling for women in tech and embrace equity.

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