Valucop Global

September 2024 in 5 Minutes!

As the beginning of an ‘ember’ month; september came with some uncertainties sandwiched with earnest desires to achieve more!

We’re sure you have stories to tell but in all, here you are alive and healthy; reading from us and ready to face October!

As a community concerned about helping people get web 3 Jobs; here’s what went down at the Valucop Community.

Web 3 Lagos Conference:

If you’re active in the web 3 space, then you must have heard about one of the most memorable web 3 Events in Africa, held in Lagos,  Nigeria. . 

Web3 Lagos conference

This event featured hackathons, workshops, panel sessions and of course; our community wasn’t left out in attendance.

It’s worthy to note that Victor Fawole, a member of our community; spoke on writing ever green content that resonates!

Tryst us; you would learn heavily from his X Page

If you missed the session, you can as well pick some highlights Here 

At Valucop, we also expose you to bigger events, and faces in the blockchain system, so as to broaden your mindset on the possibilities here 

Web3 Lagos

And like you see here; our community members who attended now understand the power of IRL events! 


As we journeyed into the month, one of our members, Mr Frost; who won a writing contest sometime in June, won 2 more writing bounties from superteam Nigeria.

In Rema’s voice, money money, money talking about the money!!!

Peep the details of His Win

Writing is a good way to get started in web 3, infact, every skill will involve you writing. The question you should be asking yourself is?

How I’m I putting my skill to use?


Remember, we told you about splitting our community into clubs, so as to teach them what they need.

In the light of this; we invited a Top programming writer, technical writer and front end Dev to host a session on understanding technical writing in Web 3!

If this field interests you; then listen to the recording here>>  TW with Ileolami

Valucop Writers club

You can follow her page here on X


You know the excitement of teaching someone and the person puts it to practise?

That’s exactly how we feel as a member of our community builder’s club; Priceless Emmanuel started a community for New bie crypto traders.

In his words “the community building session gave me more insights and I’m looking forward to more!”

In Case you’re wondering who this fine boy is; scroll up to the picture where you have 2 people standing by a rollup flex!

Now you can see that we’re intentional about your growth, but you have to be SERIOUS too!

Demonstrate your Zeal by attending weekly community calls, engaging in posts, sharing your work and participating in community activities.

To you reading this, but still feels confused!

You can join our telegram community where you’d be welcome into a  club of choice.

And we will take it up from there!

TL:DR: Valucop Global wants to bring more individuals into the web 3 skill & Job industry. 

Goal: 500+ individuals across different schools and industries, in Nigeria and Africa at large.

That is why we have clubs to cater for everyone’s need!

We will be rolling further updates on our socials. So keep an eye on them.

Have you followed us on X or LinkedIn?

If you have not, then you’re missing out on information that can help your career; 

If you are a fresh graduate, youth corporate, aspiring undergrad, or a 9-5 worker; you will agree with us that you need a well paying source of income.

But first, you start with learning a high paying ; in demand skill!

Join us here on

Developers, we are cooking something interesting. Buy you won’t know if you miss out.

Stay updated here


We have a 45 days Job Challenge coming up, this basically entails enrolling into a paid course, where you will be taught on how to get into the web 3 job industry. 

PROTIP: You will have to practise as you learn! And because consistency is king; we assure you visibility, clarity and landing a role if you take it serious.

We have testimonials, things people have done over and over again, and have gotten results. 

45 days is One month and 15 days; so keep an eye on our socials for more information. 

We hope you gained insights reading from us.

Do well, to visit the Job section on our website to apply for recent opportunities,  hackathons,  contests,  view the next IRL event and  bootcamp .

Remember at Valucop; we are committed to bringing value to your faces and screens till you  touch GOLD!..


“You  need to double down for the next 90 days of the year. Projects will start listing and commence employing more people; if you have no skill, you will miss out! 

And if you have a skill but wrong positioning, you miss out too!!”

In other words, plan to enrol for the 45 days Job Challenge!

Keep up with your branding and consistency and with like we say during the bull run!


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