Valucop Global


Valucop idea contest

The Contest That Got Them Fired Up – Winners Announcement

Ladies and gentlemen, about a month ago; we opened the floor for creatives to bring up innovative ideas that can solve a peculiar challenge in Africa!! The sole aim was to onboard web2 creatives into web3  and test their problem-solving, critical thinking and presentation skills.  The contest had categories for Developers, Designers, and writers. Their …

The Contest That Got Them Fired Up – Winners Announcement Read More »

May 2024 Roundup For Valucop Global Community

May, the month of Puns had 31 interesting days and we’re grateful for them. Here’s a detailed read on everything that happened at Valucop in May. Sit tight, read and enjoy!! COMMUNITY PARTNERSHIP Like the BEST BOOK says: “Iron sharpeneth iron”. We partnered with Starknet Africa  to promote their event; The Starknet Lagos Conference, …

May 2024 Roundup For Valucop Global Community Read More »

Valucop Global Monthly Report – March 2024

March was a productive month for us at ValucopOfficial and Valuverse. It was a month of testing, implementing, learning & earning. Hence, here is a break down of all our activities: On our technical arm; We had 5 interesting bootcamp sessions on topics spanning from: 1.Project & Portfolio management for Devs 2. Understanding the fundamentals …

Valucop Global Monthly Report – March 2024 Read More »

Job expectations For High Paying Non-Tech Web3 Skills

The Rise of Non-Tech Talent in Web3: High-Paying Jobs That Don’t Require Coding. Get started today. The world of Web3 is booming, and it’s not just developers who are in high demand. Businesses building the next generation of decentralized applications, marketplaces, and communities need a diverse range of skilled professionals. If you’re a talented individual …

Job expectations For High Paying Non-Tech Web3 Skills Read More »

Start Your Web3 Development Journey in Africa Today

Web3 is the next generation of the internet, and it’s booming in Africa. With its focus on decentralization, transparency, and inclusivity, Web3 has the potential to solve some of the continent’s biggest challenges. If you’re interested in learning about Web3 development and helping to build the future of the internet, a new free program is …

Start Your Web3 Development Journey in Africa Today Read More »

What is Prompt Engineering and its career opportunities?

Let’s talk about prompt engineering and its career opportunities. Prompt engineering is a field that is growing rapidly and has great potential for those who want to work on cutting-edge technology. So, let’s dive in and explore what prompt engineering is and the career opportunities it offers. What is prompt engineering? Now, let’s dive into …

What is Prompt Engineering and its career opportunities? Read More »